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Blogger’s Block: How To Overcome Creative Block As A Blogger [Ep. 64]

Has blogger’s block left you feeling unmotivated?

Well, you’re in luck, as in this episode of The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast, we’ll be going over how to overcome creative block as a blogger!

By the end of this episode, you’ll understand:

  • 13 creative block exercises meant to help you find inspiration
  • How to feel more energized on a daily basis
  • Ideas for morning rituals (beyond affirmations)
  • Powerful tools + apps for helping you tap into your creativity
  • And more!

Note: This episode on overcoming creative block contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

13 Ideas For Overcoming Blogger’s Block [Podcast Episode Audio]

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Free Travel Blogger Resource Library

I’ve got a free gift for you!

To help you really jumpstart your blogging success, I’ve added 45+ blogging resources like printables, video tutorials, and workbooks into a FREE resource library for travel bloggers.

These resources, which you can grab right here, are meant to help you grow your traffic, community, and income faster and with less overwhelm!

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I’d also be extremely grateful if you’d leave a review right here and let me know your favorite part of the episode or a takeaway you walked away with. By leaving a review, you help the show be seen by more people, helping the episodes to have a greater impact.


Each month, I’ll be choosing one reviewer at random to win a FREE seat inside one of my masterclasses.

Winners can choose from:

  • How To Grow Your Blogging Income Through Facebook Ads
  • How To Land Paid Press Trips As A Travel Blogger
  • How To Make Money (Fast) With Affiliate Marketing
  • How To Start A Tour Company In Your Own Backyard
  • How To Start A Blog, Grow An Audience & Make Money
  • Build Your Blogging Profit Plan Masterclass

Winners will be chosen at random from the reviews and will be notified via email, so make sure to send me — jessie (at) jessieonajourney dot) com — your email address so I have it. 


The Profitable Travel Blogger Podcast is a podcast for bloggers wanting to increase their smart passive income, grow their communities, and monetize their websites.

Have a question about one of the strategies explained in the show?

Do you want to share a takeaway with your community?

Please share on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #TPTBPodcast.

This not only allows you to interact with the community, but I’ll also be monitoring and adding to the conversation to answer your questions and connect with you, too!

Bonus: Grow Your Blog Fast [Video]

As we discuss how to overcome creative burnout as a creator, it’s also helpful to know how you’ll actually grow your blog.

Luckily, the above video shares 14 quick-win strategies for growing your blog quickly and easily — because having more time and less stress in your day can definitely help with the creative process!

Learn How To Get Over Creative Block With These Past Episodes:

How To Create A Mindful Morning Routine

How To Improve Your Mindset For Success In 3 Steps

Grow Your Blog Fast: 12 Quick Wins For More Traffic & Income

How To Map Out & Crush Your Blogging Goals

How To Improve Your Creative Storytelling Skills

How To Enjoy Social Media – Growth Strategy Included!

How To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas People Actually Read

Blogger Mindset: Powerful Shifts To See Blogging Success

Create A Streamlined Blogging Schedule In 3 Steps

How To Reach Your Blogging Goals Faster With Outreach Days

Your Ultimate Guide To Twitter For Bloggers

Tools & Resources For Getting Your Creative Juices Flowing

The following tools can help you banish creative blocks:

Free Inspired Storyteller Travel Journal. This printable travel journal contains 56 prompts meant to encourage creative thinking while you relive your favorite trip memories.

Blinkist App. This app shares key takeaways from nonfiction books in text and audio format. Additionally, their shortcasts offer up inspiring lessons without a huge time commitment.

Canva. This graphic design tool can help you make graphics and assets that look like they were created by a professional.

Simple Ayurveda. My friend Angela runs this site and online school for those who want to dive deeper into this ancient Indian holistic healing system.

Udemy. Take interesting courses that teach you new things, inspire you, and expand your mind.

overcome blogger's block

How To Overcome Creative Block As A Blogger [Episode Transcript]

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt just completely void of creativity. You sit and stare at your notebook or laptop screen wanting to write, but your fingers sit still in your lap, having no idea what to create and overcome by writer’s block.

Hand up?

Oh, have I ever been there.

And as a creative individual, I feel most energized when I’m able to create – and absolutely deflated when I can’t muster up the inspiration I need to do so. I think this is true for most creative people.

Luckily, I’ve come up with some strategies and rituals to overcome this block and get into a creative mindset, which I’ll be sharing in this episode. These are all things I personally do – which means, of course, that this list is not exhaustive.

In fact, I’d love to know any of your favorite creativity rituals. How do you overcome creative blocks and feeling uninspired? Feel free to share on social media using the hashtag #TPTBPodcast.

By the way, before we dive into the episode, I want to direct your attention to the show notes, where I’ve shared a link to my free Travel Blogger Resource Library.

Or, if you’re in the US or Canada, you can text the word “blogger” to 1-833-818-0342 to have it sent to you by text message. Again, you can text the word “blogger” to 1-833-818-0342.

Inside you’ll snag access to 45+ resources from cheat sheets to workbooks to workshops to video tutorials that can help truly turn your blog into a profitable business.

And by the way, this includes a Plug-And-Play Mindful Morning Routine Workbook that can help you get into a creative and feel-good state before you’ve even reached your desk.

Feel free to even pause this episode to go grab those resources.

You back? Then let’s dive in.

Note that some of these rituals will be more like tips for getting into a creative mindset – while others will be ideas for nourishing your imagination.

My goal with this episode is to give you numerous actions for feeling inspired and motivated to create, and in a way that feels authentic and fun. And if you’re wondering how to write blog posts faster, this can also help with that.

Okay, so let’s kick things off with…

Ritual #1: Give yourself space for stillness.

There is a reason your best ideas come to you when you’re in the shower, doing the dishes, or at 3am when you’re suddenly woken up from a deep sleep and reach for your phone to make a note of your inspiration.

If you’re constantly working-working, doing-doing, going-going, you’ll never have space to let your brilliant ideas bubble up.

Now, I realize it’s not always easy to stop working, doing, and going – especially when you have a lot to get done – but do consider the power of carving out space to do nothing or to do things just for yourself.

If you use a calendar or planner, consider literally scheduling in time to just sit in stillness, meditate, or journal.

Ritual #2: Start your day with an alignment practice.

In terms of carving out time for yourself, consider waking up a little earlier than usual to enjoy a morning routine – emphasis on the word “enjoy.”

The idea here is to start your day doing things that light you up. Of course, common morning routine rituals like meditating, doing yoga, reading, and doing affirmations are great, though also consider things you truly enjoy.

If that means blasting Lady Gaga and dancing around your living room, making art, or rolling around the floor with cats, then do that.

The point is that you fill yourself up with joy and then bring that feeling into your day and into what you create.

And by the way, your alignment practice shouldn’t stop with your morning routine.

I recommend taking inventory of your daily processes and workflows to pinpoint what you don’t enjoy – so that you can tweak it to make it more fun.

This may mean letting go of “shoulds” and “supposed tos” to create your own unique processes, or maybe even doing less of what you don’t enjoy to have more space for what you do enjoy.

Ritual #3: Spend time creating just for yourself.

If you’re a blogger or a creator of any kind, that means you spend a lot of time creating for other people.

And that’s a beautiful thing, to share your content with the world; however, there is also pressure that comes with making for an audience. I know I spend a lot of time agonizing about travel blog post ideas and getting blog followers.

On the other hand, when you create just for yourself, it’s for your eyes only.

Close your laptop and get away from any screens. Then grab a notebook and some pens, paints – whatever – and spend time just creating without expectation of any particular outcome.

With this, it’s all about the process, not the product.

And, actually, I have a notebook that is full of funny cartoons featuring my cats, drawings of how I’m feeling, journal entries, scary stories I write since I love horror – tons and tons of just-for-fun content that I have no intention of sharing with anyone, but that I have a blast creating and looking back on.

Ritual #4: Meditate + concentrate.

I’ve been a big fan of meditation for a while – and in the past I used guided meditations to help keep my mind from wandering; however, what I found was that often the person speaking would do or say something that would distract me.

Then about a year ago I discovered and adapted a meditation solution that I now practice every day – and I love it.

I’m talking about candle gazing. Now for some this may sound a bit out there, but bear with me.

What I like to do is place a lit candle on a table a few feet away from me and turn off the lights. I’ll also play some Third-Eye Opening Meditation Music from YouTube.

Then, gaze at the candle, concentrating on the candle’s flame. Personally, I sit with my back straight and gaze for 30 deep slow breaths.

Then, I’ll grab an amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, lay back, cover myself with a blanket, and place the crystal on my third eye – which is located between your eyes. The third eye is one of the seven chakras and is represented by the color indigo or purple – which is why I choose the crystals I do – and relates to imagination, intuition, and inner wisdom.

So one intention with this practice is to open up that 3rd eye.

While laying down with your eyes closed in the dark, you’ll still see the flame of the candle. I like to concentrate on moving the flame and holding it on the 3rd eye.

Often I’ll also see other shapes and even stars – which sounds trippy, but feels incredible. I’ll often lay there for 15-20 minutes doing this without feeling antsy.

By the way, if you haven’t heard of the seven chakras I recommend searching YouTube for some additional information.

In short, the chakra system is an idea that began in ancient India, and deals with balancing life-force energy so it can flow freely through the body.

Ritual #5: Opt for energizing yoga poses.

Whether you’re a hardcore yogi or you occasionally find yourself in downward dog, there are certain poses and sequences that can help bring energy to the body and help you get into a creative mindset.

My absolute favorite yoga practice is sun salutations. This flow is super energizing. I love to do it first thing in the morning or even mid-day when I need a boost.

Additionally, I find that heart openers make me feel energized and open to new ideas. This could be something really active, like wheel pose or camel pose, or even something simple, like a simple seated heart opener.

And because so many of us hold negative emotions that can block creativity in our hips, hip opening poses like pigeon pose are well-regarded for helping you to feel inspired.

Going back to the seven main chakras quickly, when all seven are energized and in balance, this can lead to serious creative energy. Since this isn’t an episode on chakras I don’t want to go too deep into this, but doing some research on where you may be blocked can be helpful.

What is neat is there are loads of yoga videos on Youtube focused on unblocking specific chakras. Additionally, there are yoga videos focused on balancing all seven chakras through one healing sequence, which can be very beneficial.

Ritual #6: Have a morning self-care routine.

Earlier in the episode I talked about having a morning routine, but what I’m talking about here is a get ready routine.

For instance, do you rush through brushing your teeth, throw your hair into a messy bun, and run out the door, or do you include indulgent moments that make you look forward to getting ready?

Again, this has to do with alignment and nurturing yourself – which can help improve creativity.

Here is a quick peek at my routine after I’ve showered and brushed my teeth:

First of all, twice per week I’ll do a facial scrub and brightening mask. No joke, the first time I used this combo my husband told me he loved my makeup afterward – but I didn’t have any on. My skin just looked so bright and fresh!

From there, I rub in my moisturizer.

Then I’ll use my Rose Quartz Roller to rub in the product while also giving myself a face massage.

Finally, I’ll use an energy balancing essential oil roller for a moment of peace.

Now if you’re thinking “Okay, this sounds nice, but I don’t have time for that,” consider simple adjustments. For example, you might splurge on a nice soap or shampoo to make the shower a more enjoyable experience.

Once I’m done with my morning routine, it’s time to dive into my day. If you’re curious what that looks like, here is a day in the life of a full-time travel blogger:

Ritual #7: Utilize prompts

I am obsessed with writing prompts! What is neat is there are loads of prompts online – and I also have a free printable travel journal featuring 56 prompts.

Additionally, I love buying creative journals with prompts. They’re great for creative storytelling. Honestly I have so many of them my husband is starting to lose his mind.

Now, here is the trick I’ve found with prompts:

Don’t put pressure on yourself to find the perfect prompt! I’ve totally been there where I’ve spent over an hour doing this, only to end up writing nothing.

Close your eyes, pick one at random, and force yourself to just write. I often find that doing this forces me to work my creative muscle in fun new ways.

Ritual #8: Surround yourself with objects that inspire you.

If there is one thing that 2020 taught me, it’s that your surroundings affect you.

In fact, that’s why my husband I moved from our small dark apartment into a large one-bedroom with huge windows and skyline view.

Not surprisingly, I went from feeling unmotivated to energized.

Of course, sometimes you can’t totally up and move, but you can create a space for yourself that includes objects you enjoy.

For instance, I love sitting at a table near the window, lighting a candle, and encircling it with my favorite crystals.

Just being able to glance at this simple setup leaves me feeling inspired.

Ritual #9: Keep a daily time routine.

One way to keep yourself from feeling scattered and all over the place – which can negatively impact creativity – is to try to keep set times for your meals as well as when you wake up and go to bed.

This also involves listening to your body’s natural rhythms instead of trying to resist them.

For instance, when you feel tired midday, instead of pushing through or chugging coffee, you might take a short nap or break for a walk outside.

There is actually an entire holistic healing system to this called Ayurveda that originates in ancient India, but in short, it can help your body get into a daily rhythm where your energy is balanced.

By the way, if you want to learn more about this my friend Angela runs a site and online school called Simple Ayurveda. She actually taught a workshop for my Travel Blog Prosperity membership program that was incredibly enlightening, as well.

Ritual #10: Get inspired by great minds.

Do you have any blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, or authors that just constantly leave you feeling inspired? When we can’t find inspiration in ourselves, sometimes it’s helpful to seek it from those who can give it to us.

For me, that means listening to key insights from nonfiction books and podcasts on the Blinkist App.

The app includes selections from brilliant minds and renowned authors on everything from business to science to philosophy to health and beyond. They even have an entire section on “Motivation & Inspiration.”

I’ll typically run on the treadmill or go for a walk outside while listening to the app.

Ritual #11: Get outside.

While it may not always feel like it, especially if you’re like me and live in a big city, humans are a part of nature.

Science has shown time and time again that we benefit greatly from spending time in nature.

Actually, I recently read a study published by the Yale School of the Environment that said people who spent two hours a week in green spaces were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than those who didn’t.

It doesn’t matter if that’s a big hike or walk in your local park; spending time in nature can have tremendous benefits.

One thing I love to do is to take a walk in the park as part of my morning routine. I’ll often bring a journal or book for some added creativity, too!

Ritual #12: Try new things.

Trying new things opens our minds – which can lead to enhanced creativity as we learn new ideas and skills.

Personally, I am constantly taking new courses. Udemy is a great place to find these. Some of these courses are focused on improving my skills as a blogger, while others are just for personal enrichment, such as classes focused on crochet and crystal healing.

It could also be as simple as going to a new place, reading a new book, or learning a new recipe.

For example, over the last year or so, my husband and I have gotten pretty good at making homemade pizza as well as homemade pickles. And we’re even getting pretty creative with our ingredients.

Ritual #13: Nourish yourself with gratitude.

You’ve probably heard about the many benefits to practicing gratitude – particularly how it can positively impact our emotional health and wellbeing.

What is neat is there are so many different ways to make practicing gratitude a regular ritual for yourself.

For instance, you could make it a habit to take five minutes to journal each day about what you’re thankful for and positive moments and accomplishments from the day, really taking the time to relive the feelings of what you’re writing.

Or, it could be taking the time to intentionally notice the beauty that surrounds you on your walks outside.

To me, this relates to creativity because along with strengthening mental health and increasing empathy, it has the power to build confidence and our relationship with ourselves.

And in my experience, having confidence and trust in yourself makes it easier to feel comfortable to let your imagination flow into what you create.

Bonus Tip For Getting Your Creative Juices Flowing

Now, a quick bonus tip for you – as you play with these creative block exercises, I recommend taking the rituals you enjoy and regularly scheduling a DIY mini retreat for yourself, whether that’s monthly or quarterly.

You can do it at home in a private space or book a little getaway for yourself. Just spend the day checking in with yourself, resting, playing, and enjoying.

Alright, now I hope you enjoyed this episode.

I hope you feel inspired and empowered to play with these rituals so you can pinpoint what works best for you for getting into a creative mindset.

Don’t forget to grab access to the free travel blogging resource library that I’ve linked in the show notes.
Or, if you’re in the US or Canada, you can text the word “blogger” to 1-833-818-0342 to have it sent to you by text message.

There are a ton of resources in there on growing your community and increasing your blogging profits – as well as creating a mindful morning routine for yourself.

And of course, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes sharing these bite-sized strategies for bloggers who want to turn their blogs into profitable full-time businesses.

Happy blogging!

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Note that interview episodes will also be livestreamed on YouTube, so guests need to be comfortable on camera and should have access to headphones, a microphone (or headphones with a microphone), a strong internet connection, and nice lighting (such as studio lighting or a room where you can sit in front of a window).

Please click here to fill out the podcast guest application form.

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